Island Park Preservation Coalition
Working Group
Minutes of Meeting
November 17, 2015
The Working Group held a meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 in the EMS Building in Island Park, Idaho. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Nineteen people attended the meeting. The following Working Group members were present or absent as noted:
Chairman Ken Watts called the meeting to order.
Connie Funkhouser reported that $1,131.39 had been raised at the fundraiser held at Connie’s Restaurant. Connie Funkhouser stated that she would be glad to hold another fundraiser. The Group thanked Connie.
The Group discussed a name for the organization. Joe Sielinsky made a motion that we accept the name “Island Park Preservation Coalition”, the name suggested by Bob Stantus. The motion was seconded by Leanne Yancey and was carried unanimously.
Ken Watts reported that the following additions have been made to the Group:
Building Industry, Glade Gunnel, Island Park Builders Supply and Ron Palmer, Island Park Building contractor.
Facilitator: Ellen Stantus.
Leanne Yancey and Alynn Crapo volunteered to prepare a Working Group brochure. The brochure will be much like an “elevator speech”. The Idaho Recreation Council has agreed to print the brochure in color at no cost to the Working Group.
Sandra Mitchell (IRC) has the second draft of the brochure and will use a professional editor to make any changes that are needed.
Joe Sielinsky nominated Greg Bitter for Vice Chairman. The motion was seconded by Perry Thompson and unanimously approved. Greg Bitter will provide outstanding representation for the valley, businesses, and private land owners in Island Park and the valley. He has excellent contacts across Fremont County.
The Group will get a post office box in Island Park and establish a bank account at the Bank of Idaho in Island Park.
Terry DeLong reported that she had gotten the 35 page non-profit Compliance Guide from the State of Idaho. She has contacted the Idaho Secretary of State regarding policy. She is waiting for policy guidance. The Group discussed getting an EIN, voting issues, consensus through email, policy decisions, and whether to form a 501(c) 3 or 501(c)4. Guidance from the Secretary the Secretary of State will answer the 501 (c) question.
Connie Funkhouser asked if we needed bylaws. Greg Bitter thought it would be a good idea. Bylaws were tabled for the next meeting because the 501 (c) status must be determined. Mitch Silvers (Senator Crapo staff) has sent Ken Watts the bylaws for the Clearwater Basin Collaborative.
The Group discussed the original SNRA and a sequence of tasks. The Group was asked to work on these items in preparation for the next meeting.
It was reported that electrical power is provided to approximately 5,000 users in Island Park.
Greg Bitter discussed the Vision-Mission statement – What we want to see physically. The purpose of the Group is to form legislation on the national level. The first focus is what does it look like? What we will build? The vision statement will be an agenda item for our next meeting. Ideas should be emailed back and forth. Members of the Group should work on the mission and vision statements in preparation for next month’s meeting.
The Group discussed how to reach out to summer residents. The Group discussed using Facebook or other social media tools. Greg Bitter moved that the Group look into Facebook. The motion was seconded by Leanne Yancey and unanimously approved.
Greg Bitter discussed the map needed for the legislation. Greg proposed that for simplification, we should use townships for describing the area to make it very easy to explain. Greg Bitter will write up a summary of the reasoning for this decision and the matter was tabled for the next meeting. The East boundary line will be corrected to exclude Yellowstone National Park.
The Group discussed the unique and outstanding features of our area. Joe Sielinsky suggested that we add horseback riding, cross-country skiing and biking to the list. Members should think about additional uses for the next meeting.
Ken Watts reported that he had gone through the yellow stickies and arranged them into categories. Ken reported that we can incorporate SNRA+ language into the list of legislative considerations.
Members of the Group will need to study the SNRA and SNRA+ in preparation for the next meeting. The Group will need a statement that we will not do anything that affects the government policies currently in place. Ken Watts asked Connie Funkhouser to expand on her idea regarding encouraging businesses that respect our area. The Group had a discussion of the trail system.
The Group discussed the term “multiple use”. Ken Watts is working with Liz Davy with regard to the Forest Services’ interpretation of multiple use. Leanne Yancey will continue to research multiple-use defining documents.
The Group was given the following homework assignments:
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 8, at 6:00 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy B. Koehly, Secretary
Working Group
Minutes of Meeting
November 17, 2015
The Working Group held a meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 in the EMS Building in Island Park, Idaho. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Nineteen people attended the meeting. The following Working Group members were present or absent as noted:
- Summer and Winter Recreation (Kevin Phillips, Mountain Mayhem, absent)
- Non-motorized Recreation (Connie Funkhouser, Connie’s Restaurant)
- Hunting/Sportsman’s Club (Ron Kynaston)
- Fishing (Jon Stiehl, Trout Hunter, absent)
- Business/Chamber of Commerce/Realtors (Jackie Jensen, Chamber President, absent)
- Property Owners/Private Property (Bob Stantus, can also represent winter recreation and Chamber of Commerce Vice President, absent)
- Watershed (Dale Swenson, Henry’s Fork Watershed Council, absent)
- Agriculture/Ranching (Luke Davis, Hal Buster, both absent)
- Fund Raising (Connie Funkhouser, Connie’s Restaurant)
- Press (Ann Anthony, Island Park News)
- Sustainable Fire Community (Joe Sielinsky)
- Citizens at Large (Perry and Rosemary Thompson, retired National Park Service, Rosemary absent, Joe and Derinda Eudey, both absent, Terrece Spiegel, absent)
- Caldera Heritage Coalition (Ken Watts, Leanne Yancey, Alynn Crapo, Terry DeLong)
- Secretary/Stenographer (Judy Koehly)
- Consultant/Advisor/Spokesman (Sandra Mitchell, Idaho Recreation Council, absent)
- Business Owner/Ashton (Greg Bitter, Performance Motor Sports, Land Owner)
Chairman Ken Watts called the meeting to order.
Connie Funkhouser reported that $1,131.39 had been raised at the fundraiser held at Connie’s Restaurant. Connie Funkhouser stated that she would be glad to hold another fundraiser. The Group thanked Connie.
The Group discussed a name for the organization. Joe Sielinsky made a motion that we accept the name “Island Park Preservation Coalition”, the name suggested by Bob Stantus. The motion was seconded by Leanne Yancey and was carried unanimously.
Ken Watts reported that the following additions have been made to the Group:
Building Industry, Glade Gunnel, Island Park Builders Supply and Ron Palmer, Island Park Building contractor.
Facilitator: Ellen Stantus.
Leanne Yancey and Alynn Crapo volunteered to prepare a Working Group brochure. The brochure will be much like an “elevator speech”. The Idaho Recreation Council has agreed to print the brochure in color at no cost to the Working Group.
Sandra Mitchell (IRC) has the second draft of the brochure and will use a professional editor to make any changes that are needed.
Joe Sielinsky nominated Greg Bitter for Vice Chairman. The motion was seconded by Perry Thompson and unanimously approved. Greg Bitter will provide outstanding representation for the valley, businesses, and private land owners in Island Park and the valley. He has excellent contacts across Fremont County.
The Group will get a post office box in Island Park and establish a bank account at the Bank of Idaho in Island Park.
Terry DeLong reported that she had gotten the 35 page non-profit Compliance Guide from the State of Idaho. She has contacted the Idaho Secretary of State regarding policy. She is waiting for policy guidance. The Group discussed getting an EIN, voting issues, consensus through email, policy decisions, and whether to form a 501(c) 3 or 501(c)4. Guidance from the Secretary the Secretary of State will answer the 501 (c) question.
Connie Funkhouser asked if we needed bylaws. Greg Bitter thought it would be a good idea. Bylaws were tabled for the next meeting because the 501 (c) status must be determined. Mitch Silvers (Senator Crapo staff) has sent Ken Watts the bylaws for the Clearwater Basin Collaborative.
The Group discussed the original SNRA and a sequence of tasks. The Group was asked to work on these items in preparation for the next meeting.
It was reported that electrical power is provided to approximately 5,000 users in Island Park.
Greg Bitter discussed the Vision-Mission statement – What we want to see physically. The purpose of the Group is to form legislation on the national level. The first focus is what does it look like? What we will build? The vision statement will be an agenda item for our next meeting. Ideas should be emailed back and forth. Members of the Group should work on the mission and vision statements in preparation for next month’s meeting.
The Group discussed how to reach out to summer residents. The Group discussed using Facebook or other social media tools. Greg Bitter moved that the Group look into Facebook. The motion was seconded by Leanne Yancey and unanimously approved.
Greg Bitter discussed the map needed for the legislation. Greg proposed that for simplification, we should use townships for describing the area to make it very easy to explain. Greg Bitter will write up a summary of the reasoning for this decision and the matter was tabled for the next meeting. The East boundary line will be corrected to exclude Yellowstone National Park.
The Group discussed the unique and outstanding features of our area. Joe Sielinsky suggested that we add horseback riding, cross-country skiing and biking to the list. Members should think about additional uses for the next meeting.
Ken Watts reported that he had gone through the yellow stickies and arranged them into categories. Ken reported that we can incorporate SNRA+ language into the list of legislative considerations.
Members of the Group will need to study the SNRA and SNRA+ in preparation for the next meeting. The Group will need a statement that we will not do anything that affects the government policies currently in place. Ken Watts asked Connie Funkhouser to expand on her idea regarding encouraging businesses that respect our area. The Group had a discussion of the trail system.
The Group discussed the term “multiple use”. Ken Watts is working with Liz Davy with regard to the Forest Services’ interpretation of multiple use. Leanne Yancey will continue to research multiple-use defining documents.
The Group was given the following homework assignments:
- Organization Chart
- Internet or Other Media
- Basis of other Legislation
- SNRA and SNRA+
- Outstanding Unique Features Additions
- Map – vote on definition of the Island Park Area
- Ken Watts will start writing legislative language and email to everyone
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 8, at 6:00 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy B. Koehly, Secretary