We are a local diverse working group made up of stakeholders, advocates, and interested citizens who are working together to evaluate and determine how we can best maintain and enhance the Island Park area. Our focus is to preserve and protect the remarkable features of our landscapes, resources, and wildlife habitat. We seek to honor our uniquely western lifestyles, our cherished traditional uses, and the outstanding recreational opportunities that Island Park has to offer.
Joining together as a comprehensive stakeholder group which includes:
private in-holders & business owners
year-round recreational interests and tourism
ranchers and agricultural interests (watershed)
nature enthusiasts
conservation advocates
wildlife and healthy species advocates
Working to design a balanced approach that will:
respect personal and private property rights
promote multiple use & access to public lands
protect recreational access and opportunities
honor our traditional land uses and uniquely western lifestyle
support and promote healthy rangeland and traditional grazing practices
support healthy landscape & conservation initiatives
promote healthy and sustainable forest initiatives
support healthy watersheds
support healthy wildlife habitat and management
These efforts will be determined by best science research, responsible stewardship, and coordinated work with our local, state, and federal partners.
Our Vision
Preserve and Enhance multiple use in the Island Park area
Our Mission
The Island Park Preservation Coalition is tasked by the community to use a balanced and inclusive approach to advocate for the values, resources, opportunites, character, and lifestyle of the Island Park area.